Clever Birthday Toasts

Clever birthday toasts take the "ho-hum" out of any celebration and add that "aha" ingredient every party needs. 

Find the cleverest words here. Look at the examples of clever birthday toasts on this page to write one that fits the birthday gal or guy perfectly.

By Kevin Nishmas
Updated: January 1, 2024

Clever Toast Collection

As you go forth from this birthday, remember always that if you cannot be with the one you love, love the wine you're with. Don't be angry, don't be sad — just love the wine you're with.

May your voyage through life be as happy and free as the dancing waves of the deep blue sea...and may you ride the crest of these waves the rest of your days. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! May you stay much too young at heart to ever be old in my eyes. 

Clever Birthday Toasts - Birthday Messages for Toasts

So what if you're another year older. Think of it this way: Technically, at this very moment, you're not even a day older than yesterday, so cheers to your birthday and the best days of your life yet to come!

May your past be dim, may your future be  bright and may today be the light that guides you. Happy birthday!

May you have the hindsight to dwell only on the best moments, the foresight to live in the moment and the insight to see beauty in every moment. Happy birthday!

Clever Birthday Toasts - Smart Birthday Messages for Toasts

Happy birthday! As a baby boomer, you have the privilege of living through the 60s twice in your lifetime: your own 60s and the actual 1960s (that is, if you can remember either 60s at all). 

Happy birthday! May you have the privilege of staying forever young and wise at heart, keeping your mind open to exciting, new ideas and adventures for many birthdays to come.

May you always dance as if everyone were dancing with you, sing in a chorus of thousands and live each day as if it were your first, full of joy, wonder and blissful innocence. Happy birthday!

Clever Birthday Toasts - Smart Birthday Messages for Toasts

Happy birthday! May you live to wholeheartedly follow your bliss, and follow your bliss to live wholeheartedly.

Happy birthday. May you always walk on a path lined with happy moments at every bend and a destination filled with love, peace and fulfillment.

May the doctor never earn even a cent from you. To your good health! Happy birthday!

Clever Birthday Toasts - Birthday Messages

May you live a long, healthy, authentic and altruistic life in your pursuit of happiness, peace and love. Happy birthday!

I raise this glass in your honor with the hope that your greatest wishes in life are the most trivial of those that come true for you. You certainly deserve it. Happy birthday!

To coin a very old phrase, "May your feast days be many and may your fast days be few." Happy birthday!

Clever Birthday Toasts - Smart Birthday Messages for Toasts

Happy birthday! May you live a life of happiness and be happy with the life you live.

Wherever you are, may joy find you, trouble be kind to you, angels mind you and heaven enshrine you (but not yet, of course). Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! May your friends know the worst about you but refuse to believe it and know the best about you and refuse to dispute it. 

Clever Birthday Toasts - Smart Birthday Messages for Toasts

Happy birthday! May you stop getting older and older with every year, but newer and newer each day.

Happy birthday! May you always see that it's not the journey of a lifetime that will lead to nirvana. It's a lifetime of journeys.

Happy birthday! May you always have the wisdom to wish not for younger days, but for longer days.

Clever Birthday Toasts - Smart Birthday Messages for Toasts

If you ever feel blue about your age, it always helps me to remember that birthdays are a healthy part of a balanced diet. In fact, 5 out of 5 doctors recommend enjoying at least one birthday per year. Here's to your birthday!

It's been said that men are just like wine. Some, if they've been sitting around for a while, can turn into vinegar, but the best only get better with age. You're so bubbly they should bottle your effervescence for posterity!  Happy birthday!

If, as one writer once put it, "our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time," I hope you have wings the size of a jumbo jet, so you'll live well into your 100s. Happy birthday!

Clever Birthday Toasts - Smart Birthday Messages for Toasts

May the days of your life be as bright as a spring sunbeam and may all your nights be as dazzling as a shooting star. Happy birthday!

If life, with all our goals, expectations, uncertainties, distractions, dependencies, contingencies, sabbaticals, milestones, deadlines, beginnings and ends, adds up to one long project, you are, by far, the best project manager I've ever seen. May you be granted many extensions for many years to come. Happy birthday!

If the beautiful young men and women of this world are merely happy accidents of Mother Nature and beautiful old people are the fruit of pure artistry, you're what I would call a priceless masterpiece! Happy birthday!

Clever Birthday Toasts To Brighten Up Any Birthday Celebration

Happy birthday! For everyone in this room tonight, age comes in many shapes and sizes. For you, now in the prime of your life, it comes in only one shape and size: great.

With this birthday, may you have five new friends, three more pounds of wisdom, two more tons of hope and a few more handfuls of magic dust to touch the lives of everyone around you.

Happy birthday! May you nurture the flower of love, joy, health, peace and hope in your heart...and may its scent permeate every facet of your life.

Clever Birthday Toasts - Smart Birthday Messages for Toasts

Happy birthday! May you be unfortunate in misfortune and fortunate in life's fortunes.

Happy birthday! May you always have enough joy in your heart to make miles of smiles appear where none were before. 

God knew He could not be everywhere, so He created the next best thing…Moms! Here's to you, Mom. God only knows how much you mean to me, which is more than I can ever express and nowhere near the love I get from you. Happy birthday!

Clever Birthday Toasts To Brighten Up Any Birthday Celebration

May your happiness be a dessert so sweet, so delicious that it lingers for years and years...and may life give you more than you can ever eat. Happy birthday!

Happy birthday! May you have not enough room in your home and just enough room in your heart to hold every friend of yours and your entire family.

To birthdays. You can't live with them — and it's impossible to live without them. Have a truly special one!

Hints & Tips

How do you write clever birthday toasts?

With clever birthday toasts, the last thing you want to do is underwhelm your audience. 

Your goal with clever birthday toasts, as you well know, is to raise a glass to the birthday boy or girl and say a few clever words that will add that "ah-hah" ingredient to the festivities!

This is what makes a "clever" toast clever. 

Of course, there are different levels of cleverness...and your job is to find the right one for that someone special celebrating a birthday.

Mainly, you don't want to be too clever or not clever enough with your toast.

Puns and turns of phrases are clever. That's what makes clever birthday toasts so "aha" clever. 

First and foremost, writing clever birthday toasts come down to what you want to say...and how you want to say it.

That's because many people, including the birthday boy and girl, who like to indulge in a little mental gymnastics every once and awhile, love clever toasts in any form.

But how clever should the toast you write be? There are many types of clever birthday toasts but here are the three most memorable:

  • Clever birthday toasts that are clever and, at the same time, funny.
  • Clever birthday toasts that are clever and, at the same time, inspirational.
  • Clever birthday toasts that are clever and, at the same time, sentimental.

If you would like to inject a little humor into your birthday message, go the "funny" route. If you want your toast to make a point, go "inspirational." Want to be cleverly heartfelt? Go "sentimental."

The bottom line: Since memorable clever birthday toasts, like any toast, need to speak from the heart, you need to be comfortable with the style of your toast.

Want to learn how to give clever birthday toasts?

Want to learn how to deliver a memorable birthday toast with little effort? Watch a short video from Toastmasters on how to give clever birthday toasts right now! You'll be the star of the party.

Birthday Messages -

Message Guy
Creator of this site - Kevin Nishmas (Message Guy, the creator of this site)

Kevin, the "Message Guy" who writes the birthday wishes, quotes, poems, toasts and speeches on, has been a content writer since 1993. In 2012, Kevin created this site to share the incredible power of words with birthday well-wishers everywhere.

Learn More About Kevin Here

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